The Ely United Methodist Church Education Committee is responsible to meet with the Pastor to develop the Sunday School Curriculum. The committee is also responsible for scheduling Sunday School Teachers. The committee reports to the Administrative Council.

The Ely United Methodist Church provides a number of services for young people and adult members to participate in to further their religious education.

Sunday School for youth K-6 Grades. Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM during the normal worship service.

Sunday morning worship service includes a children's sermon often with visual stimulations/aids.

Beginning in December of 2012 and running through February of 2013, the EUMC will hold a Sunday School Class for Anyone interested before worship with the focus on the Scripture which is being used for that morning's sermon. The Sunday School class will meet from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM on choir Sundays and 9:00 AM to 9:40 AM on those Sundays the choir does not bless our worship services.

Youth Confirmation Class

Bible Study - The EUMC holds a weekly Bible Study Class at 2:00 PM on Thursdays from September through May, inclusive. This one hour long class studies selected scriptures and is lead by Pastor Dana Thompson in a very interactive and informative session.

The Guild - The EUMC Women hold a Guild meeting on the 4th Wednesday at 2:00 PM each month from September through May, inclusive. The Guild is a time for sharing, contemplation and fellowship.